Uveitis Treatment Naturally

If left untreated, uveitis can development to everlasting vision loss. Difficulties of uveitis include glaucoma, cataracts, macular edema, and retinal detachment. With appropriate treatment, most attacks of anterior uveitis resolve within days to weeks, though, relapses are common. Inflammation related to posterior uveitis may last from months to years and may cause permanent vision damage, even with Treatment of Uveitis . For all of those who suffer from uveitis, you must know that you will firstly need to go see a doctor to help you detect the granulomas that need be eradicated. Furthermore, the natural antioxidants such as A-Beta, Car E and Lutein if taken regularly, help maintain the health of your visual system. Garlic, the Natural Treatment for Uveitis So, let’s start with the natural treatment for uveitis, which goes like this. After each meal consume 3-4 garlic cloves cut into halves, just like medicine Moreover, have 1 cup of boiled or baked beetroot on a ...